"Paint Pasco" Public Mural Program
Updates to mural code:
“Wall mural or artwork” means a mural or artwork painted on a building wall does not have a commercial message, name, or other advertisement incorporated. Murals were previously considered signs and therefore subject to the standards in PMC Title 17, which greatly restricted their size.
Under the updated code, murals can fill up building walls, allowing for stunning displays of arts and culture. Read below to find out more about Pasco's Mural Program and how you can apply!
Purpose & Intent
​The purpose and Intent of the Paint Pasco Public Mural Project is to:
Provide opportunities for murals in Pasco.
Ensure that public murals are not obscene.
Ensure that murals are artwork and distinct from signs and commercial messages.
Encourage collaboration in the community and with the City Arts Commission on murals.
Provide opportunity for review of proposed murals by the City Arts Commission.
Ensure the mural program is constitutional and protects 1st Amendment rights.
Design and Cultural Intent
Communicate the rich history, culture, environment, and people of Pasco.
Contribute to a well-designed and vibrant City of Pasco.
Elevate professional artists by expanding opportunities for high-quality public art.
Enliven and enrich the public realm in Pasco as experienced by people.
Arts & Culture Commission:
Angela Pashon – Assistant City Manager
Requirements and Process
Arts Commission Review
All murals are required to be reviewed by the Arts Commission at a public meeting to verify the mural is not considered a sign and therefore regulated under PMC Title 17 and not considered obscene by a reasonable person. All applicants are encouraged to use the Arts Commission as a resource in the planning, design, and implementation of murals but other than verifying murals are not signs nor obscene the content of murals are not regulated by the City of Pasco Municipal Code.
Required Submittal Requirements
A. Complete mural application.
B. Plan of the mural with scaled dimensions.
C. Photo and description of the proposed mural location.
D. Graphics depicting the proposed mural design including dimensions, colors, text and other graphic elements.
Voluntary Submittal Requirements
E. Description of the mural theme and relevance to Pasco
F. Statement regarding how the proposed mural is consistent with the design principles and review criteria
G. The name and qualifications of the professional artist selected for the mural project. Mentorships between professional artists and youth or developing artists are encouraged.
a. Artist portfolio demonstrating professional experience and qualifications for public art murals
b. Pictures and photos of completed murals
H. Maintenance plan for the mural
I. Timeline and any phasing for implementation
Public Notice and Review Process
A. All mural applications shall be reviewed by the City of Pasco Arts Commission at a public meeting.
B. Applicants are encouraged but not required to notify adjacent property owners and residents at least 14 days prior to the review meeting with the Arts Commission. Property owners and residents within 800’ of the property where the mural is proposed should be notified. Applicants may provide confirmation to the City that proper notice was given in accordance with these requirements.
C. The Arts Commission shall review the application at a public meeting and allow for public comment.
D. The Arts Commission shall summarize the results of the meeting and a recommendation regarding whether the mural violates any of the review criteria to City staff.
The Planning Director shall consider input from the Arts Commission and the public in denying any mural request for being obscene or constituting a sign and therefore regulated under PMC Title 17.
Review Criteria
A. The mural does not include elements that would constitute a sign and be subject to the sign code.
B. The mural does not contain content considered to be obscene by an average person.
Voluntary Guidelines
Mural projects are encouraged to be consistent with these voluntary guidelines. The Arts Commission may provide input and recommendations on the design of the proposed mural. The Arts Commission does not have the authority to approve or deny a mural based on the voluntary guidelines.
A. The mural should contribute community and artistic value be designed and created by or at the direction of, a professional public artist. Mentorship programs are encouraged with professional public artists and emerging artists.
B. The mural is visually interesting and expressive of the community’s history, culture, environment, and/or people.
C. The mural contributes positively to the experience in the public realm with an emphasis on the experience of pedestrians.